Results-oriented and strategic leader with a proven track record in effectively managing teams and driving organizational growth. Highly dedicated and self-directed, with the ability to independently master complex operations and coordination. Strong in strategic thinking, inclusiveness, analytical problem-solving, resource management, and future planning. A forward-thinking innovator, excelling at introducing and scaling new ideas. Adept at designing and delivering institutional capacity-building and system-strengthening initiatives at both national and sub-national levels. Experienced in building and maintaining strong relationships with government entities, the private sector, employers’ and workers’ organizations, youth networks, NGOs, development partners, and UN organizations.
Lead the implementation of the ILO components of the UN Joint Program on Decent Employment for Youth in Cambodia (DEY), phase 3. My portfolio focuses on Skills Development, Public Employment Services, the National Technical Vocational Education and Training Policy (NTVETP) and the National Employment Policy (NEP). The implementation approach focuses on technical assistance and institutional capacity building.
Key ministerial partners include the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT), the Ministry of Tourism (MoT), and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY).
Project Coordination, Management, and Delivery:
Technical Assistance and Advisory:
Financial Management:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relations and Reporting:
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization:
Key achievements:
Achievements are in progress, with significant milestones being reached in evaluating the current National Technical Vocational Education and Training Policy (NTVETP) and the National Employment Policy (NEP). These evaluations will guide the formulation of the new policies. The expected outcome of my role in implementing the ILO interventions includes securing decent and productive employment for 1,500 youths, with 50% from the Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) group), including youth with disabilities and youth school dropouts.
Led overall coordination of the United Nations Joint Program on Decent Employment for Youth in Cambodia (DEY), phases 1-2. Key ministerial partners include the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT); the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS); the Ministry of Tourism (MoT); and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY). The Participating UN Organizations (PUNOs) include ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF, and UNIDO.
Project development:
Project Coordination, Management, and Delivery:
Technical Assistance and Advisory:
Financial Management:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relations and Reporting:
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization:
Key achievements:
Awarded as a Gender Champion in the category "Professional Development and Capacity Building" by the ILO ENTERPRISE Department. For program phase 1, the ILO delivered 90% of responsible expected outputs, including secretariat outputs. Phase 2 was approved by the donor and successfully launched in mid-2020. An independent review of the program phase 2 was concluded successfully. The Project Document of program phase 3 was developed with thorough consultations with key relevant partners, through various consultation methods, and inputs from PUNOs; it has been approved by the donor and the government. The program communication channels were established and maintained with regular uploads of communication materials and content. The program secretariat functions for phases 1 and 2 were executed in line with the ToR. The inter-agency collaborations for joint deliveries and synergies among PUNOs have improved remarkably. The TVET Strategic Action Plan 2024-2028 has been developed through ILO technical assistance to MLVT under my technical lead.
Coordinated 2 projects: (1) Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED) project; (2) Follow-up on National Employment Policy (NEP) project. Key ministerial partners include the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS); and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT).
Project Coordination, Management and Delivery:
Technical Assistance and Advisory:
Financial Management:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relation and Reporting:
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization:
Key achievements:
The projects disbursed 100% of the project budget. Regarding output deliveries, one project fully met the targets, whereas another one accomplished 80% of its committed deliverables. Four partner organizations (including one Ministry) institutionalized the ILO’s activity-based Entrepreneurship training programs and training tools in their organizational program strategy and implementation plan. Seven new training modules on Entrepreneurship, Youth Rights at Work, and Cooperatives were developed and piloted in collaboration with different units inside the ILO, including the Bureau of Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) and Cooperatives. 4,642 individuals in Cambodia, mostly young people aged 15-30, were trained by the project partners using different training modules. Cambodia was awarded as a Guinness World Record holder in the Largest Practical Business Seminar.
Managed the transitional day-to-day operations and formulation of the new program “Resilience” of Oxfam in Cambodia (during the restructuring from having many Oxfam affiliates to one Oxfam in Cambodia).
Program Development:
Key achievements:
Established the structure of the Resilience program. The program covered different components, including Savings Group, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), and Agriculture Value Chain Development.
Two roles: 1) Coordinator of multi-country Saving for Change (SfC) program. Countries covered: Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Timor-Leste. 2) Regional Gender Focal Point for Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam.
Project Development:
Project Coordination, Management, and Delivery:
Technical Assistance and Advisory:
Financial Management:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relations and Reporting:
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization:
Additional Category: Gender Mainstreaming
Key achievements:
Developed a 5-year strategy for the SfC program, a guide for facilitators on "SfC Group Formation," and an animated video on the "SfC Group Meeting Process". Successfully raised an additional US$400K for the program. olled out the SfC program in Timor-Leste and Lao PDR. Developed 8 proposals aimed at (1) bringing more innovations to the SfC services, (2) expanding SfC services to formal financial inclusion, (3) formalizing informal works, (4) improving agriculture value chain development, (5) utilizing savings groups as platforms to strengthen farmer cooperative’ joint businesses and value chains from farm to market, (6) enhancing financial inclusion for women in garment factories for building economic ownership and empowerment and facilitating them to access mobile savings, and payments. The Oxfam America’s Regional Office for East Asia won the global Oxfam America’s 1st prize in the gender equality championship. The SfC program received a prize from Oxfam America’s Technology Incubator Fund for piloting and implementing a mobile M&E tool.
Project Development:
Project Coordination, Management, and Delivery:
Technical Assistance and Advisory:
Financial Management:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relations and Reporting:
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization:
Key achievement:
Access to Finance program concept for the hardest-to-reach and ultra-poor was developed and adopted. The continuation of the Saving for Change program was prioritized, approved and implemented beyond the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Project Development:
Project Coordination, Management, and Delivery:
Technical Assistance and Advisory:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relations and Reporting:
Key achievements:
Produced and published for internal use of an analysis report on Cambodian Village Saving and Loan market. Established four Agricultural Cooperatives in three different value chains (Pig, Fishery, and Rice), they recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery (MAFF).
CARIS was a Cambodian private company that imported and traded organic fertilizers and provided transportation services.
Project Development:
Project Coordination, Management and Delivery:
Financial management:
Key achievements:
A financial management system and stock management tool were developed, adopted and seamlessly handed over for ongoing use to the company.
TATSYSM AUSTRALIA was a Sydney-based private company run by an Australian investor who dealt with the exportation of agricultural products, i.e, rice, and other cash-crop productions.
Project Development and Partnership Building:
Key achievements:
Despite thorough planning and efforts, the company decided not to export rice and other cash-crop products due to profitability concerns.
Three roles:
1) Managed CEDAC Credit Cooperative (CCC);
2) Managed the Saving for Change (SfC) project in Pailin province, funded by CARE Cambodia. This project utilized the SfC methodology to support over 400 small-scale agricultural producers and farmers in Pailin province to access saving and credit services provided by their SfC groups for investing in their cash-crop, and home gardening productions.
3) Managed a monitoring project for the Emergency Food Assistance Project (EFAP), funded by ADB. The project focused on monitoring and ensuring the effective implementation of emergency food assistance.
Project Development:
Project Coordination, Management, and Delivery:
Financial Management:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relations and Reporting:
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization:
Key achievements:
CEDAC Credit Cooperative expanded its membership to 150, and its revolving fund grew to US$0.5 million. The SfC project in Pailin and the monitoring of the emergency food assistance project successfully met the targets and were smoothly concluded.
Dual roles:
1. Managed the Saving for Change (SfC) project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through Oxfam America.
2. Managed the CEDAC Credit Cooperative (CCC).
The SfC project was an innovative and highly participatory form of community-based micro-finance. It aimed to facilitate the creation of alternative livelihood opportunities for rural women and men, helping them buffer economic shocks through access to finance. Additionally, it sought to contribute to gender equality and women's economic empowerment by providing women with access to finance (savings and microloans), building their financial literacy and numeracy, and creating space to discuss and address gender-related issues.
Project Development:
Project Coordination, Management, and Delivery:
Financial Management:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relations and Reporting:
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization:
Key achievements:
Secured and launched a saving group project with a $1.7 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project was successfully executed in over 2,500 villages across 16 provinces in Cambodia and established more than 4,700 active saving groups with over 69,000 members, 60% of whom were women, achieving $1.5 million in member savings and $1.7 million in member equity. The project was acclaimed by national and international alliances as the largest saving group project in Cambodia. The credit cooperative increased membership significantly and members’ savings grew to $0.4 million.
Dual roles:
1. Managed the CEDAC Credit Cooperative (CCC), which was established to provide an affordable and profitable credit scheme to members, including CEDAC staff and their relatives.
2. Served as Master Trainer for a Community-based Saving Groups project, Saving for Change (SfC), funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through Oxfam America.
Project Development:
Project Coordination, Management, and Delivery:
Financial Management:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Communication and Representation:
Donor Relations and Reporting:
Partnerships and Resource Mobilization:
Key achievements:
CEDAC Credit Cooperative was fully established and smoothly operated with approved regulations and policies.
Mr. Felix Weidenkaff
Position: Employment and Labour Market Policy Specialist
Relationship: Former direct supervisor
Ms. Pauline Tamesis
Position: Resident Coordinator, United Nations in Vietnam
Relationship: Co-chair of DEY Program Steering Committee
H.E Mr. Lim Chek
Position: Deputy Director General of Youth
Relationship: Program implementing partner