As part of my Experienced career visions and missions in strategic management as a Manager in capital projects with a wide range of Professional skills during my career, looking forward to building my organization's goals achievement where their portfolio and management strategy, the career started in radio compunction systems infrastructure development for one of Qatar ministry towards to electricity and water database system integration and GIS system development where integrated which Qatar GIS Data plate form for electricity and water ministry the carrier end up with constructs Electricity (substations) and Water (reservoirs ) Projects for governmental and private sectors and power and water control SCADA system projects for Kahramaa. Besides my previous professional experience and recent academic accomplishments, I am currently concentrating on the ways in which artificial intelligence technology can be integrated into project planning, construction management, and project investment as an overall strategy. I am also working on how to manage cost-effective projects and future investments with new technology, guided by the appropriate strategy for future trends and needs. In general, my capabilities include the following:
Following the completion of my education, I began working as an Operation and Maintenance Management Manager for the Communication Management Department in the Ministry of Interior of Qatar. My responsibilities included the technical and engineering aspects of communication for a variety of high-frequency (VHF), ultra-high-frequency (UHF), high-frequency (HF), microwave (MW) systems, and radar (RADAR) systems.
For my career new enhancements started in the Ministry of Electricity and Water in GIS and IT field as Electricity and Water Networks Database Automation and Implementation as Geographical Information system and Data database design using ORACLE for database and Arc Info system from ESRI information Technology for Geographical including GIS Networks and Computer LAN network Hubs and Related Connections / Interfacing with Ministry clients By Managing Database and implementation.
During the course of this collaboration, I worked in the Project Management Field (Electricity Project Department) as a new carrier managing (leading, planning, and controlling) the newly implemented projects for high voltage projects, water projects, and the Electricity Distribution Control Centre project (electricity Scada) and the Water Control Centre project (water Scada). Participate in the majority of other electricity projects (electricity capital projects) as an automation management manager, managing substation control systems and databases as a project leader, and managing various contracts from the project design stage to the project execution stage, including the management of project conflicts, disputes, and variations until the project is handed over to the client. In addition, manage other tender processes, such as the preparation of tender documents, tendering, technical evaluation, and up to the point where the project is supervised and commissioned, as well as factory inspections and standards for the majority of factories in Europe and Canada.
- AI Technology in Project Management as an Approach
- Wide knowledge in Qatar Construction Industry
- Building up Projects Planning and execution phases as Governance approach
- Contractors' prequalification and selection as Governance Approach
- Data Base and Processes Automation and Development
- Building up Strategies ( Visions, Missions, Goals, Objectives, Etc)
- Project Cost Estimation and Value Engineering
- Total Quality Management
- Visibility Study and Business Development
- GIS (Geographical Information System ) Systems
Project Management Training Courses
- Effective Project Administration and Control Management.
- Project Planning, Scheduling, and Cost Control.
- Contracting for Project Managers and Advanced Project Management.
- Management Topics Workshop.
- Tools and Techniques for Project Management.
- Projects and Contracts Management for Engineers.
- The people Side of Project Management.
- The Practical Use of FIDIC Condition of Contracts.
- FIDIC Management of Claims & the Resolution of Disputes.
- FIDIC Professional Service Agreements.
- Value Engineering
- Master Certificate in Project Management.
- Tendering Procurement & Negotiation Skills
- Certificate of Authorization for inspection, Testing for Control and Telecommunication systems.
- Cost Engineering effective Estimating & Cost Contro
- Personal Strategic Planning
- Strategic Planning.
Automation and Control Training courses
- Operation and Control of Power Systems
- Power Systems Analysis and Control Using Neural Artificial Networks.
- Introduction to SCADA/EMS and Power Applications.
- Substation Control System ESPACE2000.
- Substation Control System PSCN3020.
- Substation Control System PSCN3020 Maintenance.
- Substation Control System SICAM.
- Tele protection DIP5000
Telecommunication Training courses
- Fiber Communication Systems.
- Telecommunications Using Fiber Optics
- Telecommunications and Wide Area Networks
- SDH and PDH. Power networks (OPTIX155/622H).
IT Training courses
- Oracle SQL/PLSQL
- ORACLE Developer 2000 Report.
- Oracle Data Base Architecture.
- Oracle Developer 2000 Forms.
- Alpha Server 4100/4000Maintenance.
- Alpha Station 5000 Maintenance.
- Dacha900 Multi-Switch Maintenance.
- FDDI Architecture.
- Ethernet Maintenance
- Car fire fighting System
- Smart Analytical Investigation System for Car Accidents
- Contractors Prequalification AI Approach
- Qatar Society of Engineers
- Committee of Experts Ministry of Justice